Monday, October 18, 2010

Economic value of information

The economic value of information determines the vitality of it. Networks such as the internet are the means they use to collaborate and access information. Information has economic value because it allows individuals to make choices that yield higher results or expected utility than they would obtain from choices made in the absence of information. 

If we come to think of it in a general perspective, some 20-30 years ago, the economic value of information was less than it is at present. To access or attain information, an individual was required to go to a library and search for books or read it in a newspaper. In other words, the resources to information were limited and were not of superior quality. But with the advancement of technology, the economic value of information has increased and thus, information is easily accessible and its quality has heightened. 

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ITGS Search Engine Homework

Q1. What is a search engine?

A search engine is a database of tremendous amount of data. The information in its files may contain webpages, images, information and other types of files. Search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input. Examples of search engines include; Google, Yahoo, Library of Congress, etc.

Q2. How many types of search engines are there?

There are a few different types of Search Engines. Each type of search engine gathers and ranks listings in radically different ways. 
-Crawler Based: this includes search engines such as Yahoo and Google which gather all their listings automatically by 'spider' or 'crawl' techniques that are searched through by everyone. Since spiders observe the web on a regular basis, it detects even the slightest of amendments made in the website and therefore links it which then may affect the search engine ranking. Also, while the the website is being spidered, it may not be available to those that are searching for it with a search engine. 

-Directories: this includes Open Directory which depends on human editors who compile their listings. After signing up for a paid program, webmeisters would submit an address, title, and a brief description on their site and then editors review the submission. Even then, the website may not be accepted. After the website makes it into the directory of the search engine, it is tough to change its search engine ranking.

-Paid Inclusion: Paid inclusion is a way of guaranteeing that the website will be reviewed promptly. These search engines usually still allow people to submit for free although the time constrain may be longer. 

-Pay Per Click: Services such as Yahoo SM, Google AdWords, and MSN AdCenter allow people to pay to show ads on their search engine results page. The amount paid by the owner, the click-through rate of the ad and the relevance of the landing page is what determines the ranking of the Pay Per Click ads. 

Q3. How to register a website to a search engine?

Generally, to register a website to a search engine one must first create a webpage. After the webpage is created and ready to be published onto a search engine, a suitable service should be considered. Usually the fee would be of around USD 4 per month. Then  the website needs to be listed on to the search engine and then the process of improving the ranking of the website in the search engine may take place.